Sunday, 4 January 2015

Africa Tackling Poverty : UN MPI 2013 Data

Tackling World Poverty --- Multidimensional Poverty Index(MPI) - 2013
An index point calculated for various countries, after due analysis of data that represents the Health, Educational and Living Standard  deprivation intensity within the country. This derived index value determines the poverty level ranking.

In tackling poverty we need to identify and understand the major factor contributing to world poverty. 
The three major dimensions or deprivation factors (i.e.  health, Education, living standard) have been identified by United Nations(UN), 

Research Question 
Which factor is more significance in accounting for MPI ranking, is it education, health or living standard.?
Answer to this should help us decide where to concentrate our efforts if we must alleviate poverty.

Poorest Countries in Each Continent(UN MPI 2012)

Improving Stadard of Living by Infrastructural Investment is High Priority

Findings and Result (click to download)
In  identifying the major contributing factor to poverty, regression analysis carried out between  MPI  value and the 3 main contributing deprivation factors to poverty ranking (i.e. education, health and living standard).
We where of the assumption that education is the major factor, but result shows that Standard of Living is the must contributiing factor to world poverty. 

Lets Be Real, its Time to Act
Solving the issues affecting living standards, like:
  • Electricity - Revenue generation, employment, industrialization
  • Improved Sanitation - health improvement
  • Improved Drinking Water - health improvement
  • Flooring
  • Cooking Fuel#
  • Assets ownership - mortgages, share holding in public enterprises
  • *Transportation - Rails, Road(Agriculture transportation)
  • *Agriculture - Cheaper Feeding and better health
  • *Environmental Services - better health, tourism and employment
Will go a long way in reducing poverty.

MPI 2013 Data source:   Link 1     or   Link 2
MPI 2013 Report  :  Click to download report 


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